Student ministry.

Each week we hope to provide a place where students can gather to learn, hang out, worship and have fun. Ultimately, everything we do is designed to help teens grow in their relationship with Christ and to develop community together. We offer several opportunities throughout the week for students to develop their relationships with God and other students.

Our Student Ministry is led by Joshua Pollock




Sunday School

On Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM we meet in the Bridge. We usually have some kid of breakfast and drinks out for everyone and a time of fellowship.  Sunday School is a great time for students to learn how to study the Bible, meet new people, and learn how to be a part of a church family. We meet in a large group for announcements and prayer and then head to our Sunday School classes. Classes are broken up by grade and gender to help further bible studies. 

The link.

The “Link” is the heart of our youth ministry experience! Every Wednesday night at 6:00 PM we gather together for  worship service: we have games, Bible teaching, and a time of worship with our excellent student-led praise band. Sometimes we feature guest bands and speakers from around the state. Students have a chance to connect to our youth ministry, to one another, to God’s Word, and to the person of Christ through this event. We’d love to you join us for this midweek worship experience.

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